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Driven by their passion to protect the environment, volunteers rolled up their sleeves to participate in a clean-up that was hosted this morning at the Durban Harbour. Speaking about the event, Angela Dargon, the Royal Natal Yacht Club events organiser, said they started the clean-ups about two months ago and this was their fourth clean-up session.
“We saw a need for the harbour to be cleaned up because of the trash coming through the 11 storm water drains into the harbour and contaminating marine life,” said Dargon.
Volunteers cleaning up the Durban Harbour this morning.
“For those who want to get involved, follow us on social media through the Move One Million group. We have our clean-up operation nationally going around to fix the roads, feed the homeless and do whatever community service we can do to uplift our country and bring people together,” said Dargon.
She added that they have the Royal Natal Yacht Club and Bluff Yacht Club assisting them with sponsorships for bags.
“We invite everybody to come along on a Saturday morning for an hour or two hours and volunteer to assist us in helping us clean up this harbour in Durban and the Yacht Club,” said Dargon.
A learner from St Mary’s Diocesan School for Girls in Kloof, Kayla Woodroffe said it was her second time joining the clean-up. She added it’s very rewarding to pick up all the litter and it’s fun.