Coast KZN

11 Jul 2017

Umkomaas SAPS remove illegal gill nets from river

Juan Venter (South Coast Herald)


The nets are estimated to be more than 100 metres long.

UPDATE, July 12:
While patrolling on the N2 southbound last Friday, July 7, members of the Umkomaas SAPS spotted two men who were acting suspiciously near the Umkomaas river.

Illegal gill netting is a common occurrence in the area and police are on high alert following a bust in which two men were arrested recently with a catch of nearly 300 fish.

Last Friday’s suspects spotted the SAPS eyeing them from above and bolted from the scene into nearby dense bushes.

Two nets had been placed in the river, spanning nearly 100 metres.

Shocking video footage – which can be viewed below – indicated that the police had arrived just in time and immediately got to work removing the nets.

vIn this latest attempt at catching fish illegally, the good news is police managed to free the fish from the first net and that the last net removed – which was the larger – had no fish trapped inside.

Investigations are under way.

Umkomaas SAPS this morning reeled in a major catch when during a routine patrol on the N2 overpass near Sappi they caught two fishermen who had been using gill nets, which is illegal.

Warrant Officer Logan Naidoo and Constable Scelo Nsindane acted when they spotted the two men, who are from Empangeni, acting suspiciously.

The shocking images and video clip below reveal that hundreds of fish were caught, and many were still trapped in the nets.

The men could be facing charges of poaching as well as fishing without a license.

The fish included kingfish, mullet and juvenile grunter. A sting ray – still alive – was also among the catch. Fortunately, the officers acted swiftly and returned it to the water where it swam off.