Coast KZN

07 Dec 2017

Trafalgar’s Blue Flag is flying high

Zimasa Mgwili (South Coast Herald) Picture: Trafalgar's Blue Flag has been re-instated.

Visitors can now look forward to a clean and safe beach, with regular beach patrols conducted by Ray Nkonyeni Municipality as part of its seasonal community safety plans.

Although residents say it’s been a rough year for Trafalgar, the good news is things are back on track.

Despite concerns that it may be stripped of its coveted Blue Flag status, residents say Ray Nkonyeni Municipality had stepped up and repaired the dilapidated facilities – well in time for the festive season.

Last Saturday, Trafalgar’s Blue Flag was hoisted and is proudly flying high.

The flag had been removed earlier this year by the Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (Wessa), pending repairs to beach facilities.

The guard rooms and the walkway in particular needed urgent attention.

In addition, a fire had destroyed both the ablution facilities and equipment belonging to Wave of Hope surfers, stored nearby.

To achieve and maintain Blue Flag status, water quality; environmental education and information; environmental management; and safety and services have to be up to world-class standard.

Beach amenities that promote tourism and are safe to use for beach-goers are also taken into consideration.

Repairs undertaken included the re-fencing of the swimming pool, a new walkway to the beach, and the refurbishment of the roof and burglar guards.

Visitors can now look forward to a clean and safe beach, with regular beach patrols conducted by Ray Nkonyeni Municipality as part of its seasonal community safety plans.

As an additional precaution, residents have hired a private security company.
Thanks are extended to the Ratepayers’ Association as well as to RNM staffers Johan Botha and Ivan Mchunu for their invaluable help in getting the ablution block and surroundings repaired prior to the festive season.