FishEagle: Perfect weather draws anglers
Favorable conditions blessed anglers last week with the only blemish being the big south westerly on...
The Forestry, Fisheries and Environment department (DFFE) remains mum on when beaches will be reopened to the public. Beaches north of the Umgeni River mouth to Salt Rock have been closed for 3 months following the environmental disaster when chemicals stored in a United Phosphorous Limited (UPL) warehouse at Cornubia spilled into the oHlanga tributary and uMhlanga estuary. DFFE is waiting for a report into the spill to be examined in the USA before reopening beaches safe for the public to use.
Meanwhile, government has created a website where concerned parties can register to obtain documents and reports around the investigation into the UPL spill. An initial investigation by eThekwini Metro and Ezemvelo found that UPL had illegally stored dangerous chemicals on the site. DEFF has opened a criminal case against UPL.
United Phosphorus Limited (UPL) have disputed the findings: “UPL does not admit any non-compliance with the law, as alleged in the preliminary report,” the company stated.