Coast KZN

01 Oct 2021

These eThekwini beaches are now safe for bathing and water activities

Se- Anne Rall ( IOL News) Picture: Doctor Ngcobo / ANA. The City hereby informs the public that some beaches that were temporarily closed because of high levels of E. coli, are now open

Durban – Six eThekwini Municipality beaches that were previously closed due to abnormal E. coli levels, are now open to the public. The City on Thursday confirmed that Addington beach, South beach, uShaka beach, North beach, Bay of Plenty and Blue Lagoon are opened for swimming and other water-related activities.

“Teams will today conduct tests on Battery Beach. The outcomes of these tests will determine if the beach will be safe to re-open to the public,” said eThekwini Municipality spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela.

He said sewerage pumps that were responsible for the high levels of bacteria at beaches, had been fixed. Mayisela said vandalism was one of the causes of the malfunctioning of the pumps.

“The City appeals to the public to report any criminal activity or vandalism on City infrastructure. Beaches north of the uMgeni River to Salt Rock remain closed following a chemical spill that came on the back of July’s unrest. The public is implored to be patient as the closure of these beaches is in the interest of their safety,” Mayisela said.

Despite the closed beaches, there was a 60% average occupancy rate in Durban this past long weekend from 24 to 27 September. Also, 95% of accommodation was fully booked on Friday and Saturday nights. This translates to 82 000 visitor arrivals.

The direct spend over the long weekend was R107 million, contributing R265 million to the Gross Domestic Product, and creating approximately 570 temporary and long-term job opportunities.

eThekwini Mayor Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda said this sends a clear message that Durban remains South Africa’s playground and that it is safe to travel and explore Durban. He is confident the summer season will definitely yield greater results.