Coast KZN

State of the Coast: KZN

Chapter 2: Overarching Drivers

Chapter 2 of the KZN SoCR provides a detailed overview of the main overarching drivers of change in the KZN coastal environment.

This Includes:
2.1 The Blue Economy
2.2 Human Settlements
2.3 Pollution

 2.1 The Blue Economy Photo byKierran Allen

2.1 The Blue Economy

This section describes the blue economy, the dichotomy of its approach, and its bearing on the KZN coastal environment. It highlights major drivers of change, pressures and impacts that may result through blue economic development, the current state of the blue economy in KZN, and possible management responses / actions.



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2.2 Human Settlements Photo byORI

2.2 Human Settlements

This section provides an overview of the current KZN coastal human settlement patterns. It highlights the drivers of this changing landscape and the pressures this creates for the coastal environment. It looks at the current state of settlement, housing and population. It then considers the impacts of this and identifies possible management responses / actions for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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2.3 Pollution Photo byOmar Parak

2.3 Pollution

This section provides an overview of coastal pollution in KZN. It highlights key drivers, namely urbanisation and tourism, industry, mining, agriculture and aquaculture, ports and shipping, and energy. It then provides an overview of the resultant pressures on the coastal zone, its current state and impacts as a result of pollution. Lastly, it considers management responses / actions for KZN.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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