Coast KZN

State of the Coast: KZN

Chapter 8: Economic Environment

Chapter 8 of the SoCR provides an overview of the KZN economic environment.

These Include:

8.1 Ports and Shipping
8.2 Tourism
8.3 Aquaculture
8.4 Agriculture
8.5 Manufacturing and Industry


8.6 Commercial Fishing
8.7 Coastal Dune Mining
8.8 Sand Mining
8.9 Offshore Mining
8.10 Oil and Gas Exploration

8.1 Ports and Shipping Photo byORI

8.1 Ports and Shipping

This section provides an overview of the effects of ports and shipping activities on the coastal environment. These activities are driven by the economy, stimulating trade and GDP, which result in increased pressures on the environment. This section considers the historic and current state of port development and shipping, and discusses the impacts of the maritime industry, ports and shipping on biological systems. Lastly it provides management responses / actions for KZN.



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8.2 Tourism Photo byKierran Allen

8.2 Tourism

This section provides an overview of the effects of tourism and associated activities on the coastal environment.  The sector is primarily driven by the economy, with many different factors affecting local and international tourism. While tourism has a positive impact on the economy, the potential encvironmental costs on the coastal environment are also considered. This section discusses the historic and current state of tourism in KZN and the impacts it has on the coastal environment. It provides management responses / actions for the province.



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8.3 Aquaculture Photo byLarry Oellermann

8.3 Aquaculture

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. This section of the report provides an overview of aquaculture which is primarily driven by socioeconomic and environmental factors, with food security being an important pressure. This section discusses the historic and current state of aquaculture in the province and its impacts on the coastal environment. It provides management responses / actions for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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8.4 Agriculture Photo byKierran Allen

8.4 Agriculture

This section provides an overview of agriculture along the KZN coast. The drivers that shape it relate to food security, population growth, economic benefits and employment. The rapidly growing coastal population creates increased pressure on the environment for increased agricultural produce. This section considers both the historic and current state of agriculture in KZN and discusses the impacts of these, with regards to some common crops. It further identifies possible management responses / actions.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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8.5 Manufacturing and Industry Photo byORI

8.5 Manufacturing and Industry

The KZN coastal zone is one of the most active industrial development regions in South Africa. This section of the SoCR provides an overview of manufacturing and industry, with the agro-processing, textiles, metals, chemicals and health care sectors being important on the KZN coast. Drivers relate to food security, population growth, economic benefits and employment, and the rapidly growing coastal population creates increased pressure on the environment. This section considers both the historic and current state of industry and discusses the impacts of these. It further identifies possible management responses / actions for KZN.



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8.6 Commercial Fishing Photo byGareth Jordaan

8.6 Commercial Fishing

Commercial fishing entails the harvesting of marine resources to sell legally. This section provides an overview of commercial fishing, from sophisticated industrial operations using large vessels and many crew, to small operations with a few people using simple techniques. It is driven by stock size, oceanography and weather conditions.  The section then considers the historic and current state of commercial fishing and discusses the impacts of overfishing on biological systems and on fishing overall. Management responses / actions are identified for KZN. 


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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8.7 Coastal Dune Mining Photo byKierran Allen

8.7 Coastal Dune Mining

KZN is home to several extractable minerals including coal, lime, slate and titanium. This section provides an overview of dune mining for extractable minerals along the KZN coast. This is primarily driven by economic factors, with mining seen as being important in accelerated GDP growth. However, dune mining places significant pressure on the environment through the removal of coastal flora, fauna and landscape level changes. The section discusses the historic and current state of dune mining in KZN and the impact it has on the coastal environment. It provides management responses / actions for the province.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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8.8 Sand Mining Photo byKierran Allen

8.8 Sand Mining

At the coast, sand is mined from a variety of environments including riverbeds, estuaries, beaches, dunes or even the seafloor. This section provides an overview of sand mining along the KZN coast. The activity is primarily driven by development and economic factors, and is considered important in accelerated GDP growth in the country. However, sand mining, with its extractive processes, causes landscape level changes in the estuarine environment. This section discusses the historic and current state of sand mining in KZN and the impact it has on the coastal environment. It provides management responses / actions for KZN.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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8.9 Offshore Mining Photo byORI

8.9 Offshore Mining

Offshore mining involves the extraction of non-renewable minerals from the seabed, excluding oil and gas. This section provides an overview of offshore mining in KZN. This activity is primarily driven by development and economic factors, with a socioeconomic and environmental trade-off. Offshore mining is disruptive of ecological processes. This section discusses the historic and current state of offshore mining in KZN and the impact it has on the environment. It provides management responses / actions for KZN.



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8.10 Oil and Gas Exploration Photo byStock Image

8.10 Oil and Gas Exploration

This section provides an overview of exploratory searches (seismic surveys) for oil and gas reserves offshore. This is primarily driven by development and economic factors, with South Africa heavily reliant on fossil fuels. This section discusses the historic and current state of offshore mining in KZN and the impact it has on the environment. It provides management responses / actions for KZN.



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