Coast KZN

State of the Coast: KZN

Chapter 7: Human Environment

Chapter 7 of the SoCR details the human dimension of the KZN coastal environment.

This Includes:
7.1 Coastal Access
7.2 Small-scale Fisheries
7.3 Recreational Fishing
7.4 Non-consumptive Boat Activities

7.1 Coastal Access Photo byKierran Allen

7.1 Coastal Access

This section provides an overview of coastal access along the KZN coast and the importance of well-distributed formal public access routes to ensure an equitable, well-balanced coastal environment accessible by all.  The drivers that shape coastal access in KZN relate to different environmental, socioeconomic and cultural components, resulting in the most significant pressures being those placed on the environment and social equality. The section considers both the historic and current state coastal access and discusses the impacts of these access routes. It further identifies possible management responses / actions for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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7.2 Small-scale Fisheries Photo byJudy Mann

7.2 Small-scale Fisheries

This section provides an overview of the small-scale fisheries (SSF), previously termed subsistence and/or artisanal fishing, in KZN. SSF is primarliy concerned with harvesting finfish/linefish and invertebrates/shellfish found in the nearshore zone, and is driven by human population growth and increasing unemployment in the province. The section considers the historic and current state of SSF and discusses the impacts of these on the coastal environment and other fishery sectors.  Further, management responses / actions are identified for KZN.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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7.3 Recreational Fishing Photo byBruce Mann

7.3 Recreational Fishing

Recreational fishing involves the catching or harvesting of marine resources for leisure sport and / or as a supplementary source of high-protein food.  This section provides an overview of recreational fishing in KZN which is driven by human population growth. It considers the historic and current state of recreational fishing and discusses the impacts of overfishing on biological systems and on fishing overall. Management responses / actions are identified for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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7.4 Non-consumptive Boat Activities Photo byBruce Mann

7.4 Non-consumptive Boat Activities

The KZN coast is host to a wide variety of recreational boating activities including paddling, sailing, scuba-diving, shark-diving, whale/dolphin watching and pleasure trips, and this section of the report provides an overview of these boat activities. It highlights the main driver as the state of the economy, since these are expensive activities, and notes that these activities also depend on the presence of biodiversity and the weather conditions at specific hotspots. The section then considers the historic and current state of these activities and discusses the impacts on biological systems. Management responses / actions are identified for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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