Coast KZN

State of the Coast: KZN

Chapter 4: Coastal Environment

Chapter 4 of the KZN SoCR provides a detailed overview of the main coastal environments.

This Includes:
4.1 Sandy Shores
4.2 Swamp Forests
4.3 Rocky Shores
4.4 Coastal Lakes
4.5 Wetlands
4.6 Coastal Vegetation


4.1 Sandy Shores Photo byKierran Allen

4.1 Sandy Shores

Dunes, beaches and the surf zone function as a single unit called the littoral active zone. This section focuses on sandy shores, and gives an overview of dunes and beaches, outlining the different beach ecosystem types and unique biodiversity. It summarises the drivers of beach ecology and coastal changes and the resultant pressures. It looks at both the historic and current state of the KZN littoral active zone and outlines impacts of pressures on this ecosystem. It offers a range of management responses / actions for KZN.



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4.2 Swamp Forests Photo by

4.2 Swamp Forests

This section provides an overview of swamp forests as freshwater habitats found in estuaries, describing their uniqueness and value as an integral part of the estuarine functional zone. The section outlines the drivers of change in this ecosystem in KZN and the resultant pressures. It considers the historic and current state and examines the associated impacts. It outlines management responses / actions for this critically endangered ecosystem, highlighting the need for focused monitoring programmes that quantify change in habitat area and species composition.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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4.3 Rocky Shores Photo byKaylee Smit

4.3 Rocky Shores

KZN intertidal rocky shores are a valuable ecosystem type and have contributed to the food security of coastal communities for millennia. This section provides an overview these rocky shore environments and the intertidal zone. It outlines several drivers of change for rocky shores, notably urbanisation, poverty, coastal development, climate change and governance. This section then examines the pressures on, and the historical and present state of rocky shores in KZN, and provides management responses / actions for KZN.



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4.4 Coastal Lakes Photo byFiona MacKay

4.4 Coastal Lakes

Lacustrine freshwaters are standing bodies of water often surrounded by vegetated wetlands and swamps. They are non-channel systems and are not influenced by tidal waters, and include coastal lakes which are an important component of the diversity of aquatic habitats in coastal KZN. This section provides an overview of the location, origins, characteristics and ecology of KZN coastal lakes, outlining drivers of change and key pressures, notably water use, pollution, resource exploitation, habitat destruction and alien invasives. It considers the current state of coastal lakes and impacts thereon, providing management responses / actions for KZN.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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4.5 Wetlands Photo byFiona MacKay

4.5 Wetlands

A diversity of inland and river wetlands occur in KZN which provide essential ecosystem services to sustain life and ensure resilience against climate change. This section provides an overview of KZN wetlands, their diversity and value. It identifies water abstraction, pollution, loss of habitat, climate change, dune mining and farming practices as the main drivers resulting in pressures on wetlands. It looks at the historic and current state of KZN wetlands and outlines management responses / actions.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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4.6 Coastal Vegetation Photo byKierran Allen

4.6 Coastal Vegetation

This section presents an overview of KZN coastal vegetation, highlighting the various vegetation types that form the Indian Ocean Coastal Belt (IOCB) biome. The section describes the uniqueness and value of these vegetation types, and identifies habitat loss and land cover change as the leading pressures and drivers of change. It gives an overview of the historic and current state of coastal vegetation and the impacts of habitat loss and transformation. Lastly it outlines management responses / actions for KZN.


State: POOR    Trend: DECLINING

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