Coast KZN

State of the Coast: KZN

Chapter 3: Climate Variability

Chapter 3 of the SoCR provides an overview of the climatic landscape of KZN in light of climate change.

This Includes:
3.1 Climate Change
3.2 Extreme Events
3.3 Oceanographic Events

3.1 Climate Change Photo byORI

3.1 Climate Change

This section provides an overview of global and local climate change projections and the drivers of these in relation to sea-level change. It considers the historic and current state of climate change and the potential impacts on the coastal environment. It outlines management responses / actions for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE

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3.2 Extreme Events Photo bySimon Bundy

3.2 Extreme Events

This section provides an overview of extreme events that affect the KZN coastline in relation to wave energy. It considers the drivers of these changes, the historic and current state, and the impacts. It gives an overview of management responses / actions required.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE 

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3.3 Oceanographic Events Photo byLaura Braby

3.3 Oceanographic Events

This section provides an overview of oceanographic currents affecting the KZN coast, the drivers of change and the pressures caused by the Agulhas current on the KZN coastal zone. It looks at the state of ocean currents, potential impacts and provides management responses / actions for KZN.


State: MODERATE    Trend: STABLE 

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