Coast KZN

State of the Coast: KZN

Chapter 10: Conclusions

This Chapter summaries the findings relating to the state of the KZN coastal zone and several cross-cutting issues are identified. Priority management actions, interventions and monitoring programmes are recommended for decision-makers, and the general public, to collectively and cooperatively take responsibility for managing and protecting the coastal environment in this province moving forward.

Chapter 10: Conclusions Photo byKierran Allen

Chapter 10: Conclusions

This SoCR presents key findings relating to the state of the KZN coastal zone, according to eight main themes: overarching drivers, climate variability, coastal environment, estuarine environment, marine environment, economic environment, human environment and governance respectively. Several cross-cutting issues can be identified which may have the potential to greatly disrupt the normal processes. Examples include climate change, coastal sandmining, oil and gas exploration, and changes in human settlements. In addition, possible emerging issues such as water quality and new diseases relating to mariculture and mining operations may be encountered. The development of this Report allows for the identification and prioritisation of management interventions towards sustainability in the coastal zone. Priority actions are targeted at specific issues so that KZN will best meet its obligations in terms of the ICMA and the Provincial Coastal Management Programme (CMP). These key actions are outlined in Table 10.1 (Below). The actions detailed speak to the impacts and state of the eight spheres and should be considered in the development of coastal management and monitoring programmes going forward.

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Table 10.1: Summary of state, trend and actions for the KZN coast.