Control over these sites is vested in the provincial government in terms of Government Gazette No. 37761 of 27 June 2014 – Management of Public Launch Sites in the Coastal Zone in terms of Section 83 (1) (d, i and o) of the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act No. 24 of 2008). This control includes, inter alia, the maintenance of a daily launch register.
Twenty-five boat launch sites were gazetted by the EDTEA on 13th May 2021.
Download the list of gazetted launch sites below.
Stakeholders in these launch sites are the KZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA), the Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI), the launch site licence holders (mainly municipalities), the launch site operators (mainly ski-boat clubs) and the boat users themselves. Collaboration between the various stakeholders in KZN has resulted in the development of a Boat Launch Site Monitoring System (BLSMS) that generates unique and comprehensive launch statistics and information about associated activities. This innovative system is a province-wide monitoring initiative for launch sites and is an example of unique, mutually beneficial cooperation between different stakeholders towards the common goal of improved management of small craft launch sites in KZN. Good participation by most launch site users has ensured the continued success of the project to date.
Boat Launch Site Notices
- Launch Register FINAL_Dec 2023
- BLS night launching Dec 2023
Boat Launch Site :Covid-19 Guidelines
Boat Launch Site Monitoring System- Annual Reports:
BLSMS Estuary Report 2022
Analysis of boat launch information from
Kosi Bay
Richards Bay
uMlalazi Estuary
Durban Bay
uMtamvuna Estuary
ORI Unpublished Report #361: an analysis of the long-term usage patterns from the participating boat launch sites in the above KZN estuaries during the period 2005 to 2020.
BLSMS Management Article
Mann B.Q., Maggs J.Q., Khumalo M.C., Khumalo D., Parak, O., Wood J., and Bachoo S. (2015). The KwaZulu-Natal Boat Launch Site Monitoring System: A Novel approach for improved management of sma;; vessels in the coastal zone. Ocean & Coastal Management 104: 57-64.
EDTEA • ORI • Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife • All contributing launch sites & skippers
Research Funders
Bruce Mann • Derrick Khumalo • Jade Maggs • Marius Els • Xolani Mselegu • Registered Launch Sites • Voluntary Launch Sites