30 Aug 2022 Expect lower sea levels along the coast as negative surge passes over... Durban – The South African Weather Service (SAWS) is warning of significantly lower sea levels as a... Se-Anne Rall (IOL)
16 Aug 2022 South Africa’s framework for a just transition fails to... For almost three decades the ANC government failed to address the legacies of apartheid. We... Vishwas Satgar, Charles Simane, Awande Buthelezi, Jane Cherry and Ferrial Adam (Daily Maverilck)
06 May 2022 Reimagining sustainable energy solutions for Africa Many African countries find themselves serviced by – and ultimately dependent on – single, large... ABSA (Daily Maverick: Our Burning Planet)
16 Aug 2021 The IPCC’s latest assessment report on the climate... The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report Six Working Group I report... Francois Engelbrecht and Pedro Monteiro (Daily Maverick: Our Burning Planet)
27 Aug 2020 World Wildlife Fund gives SA thumbs up for plans to... Durban- The World Wildlife Fund for Nature has welcomed the announcement by president Cyril... Mpthathi Nxumalo (Daily News: IOL)
19 Aug 2020 Greenpeace skewers South Africa’s case for oil drilling JOHANNESBURG - As Mauritius suffers a damaging oil spill, South Africa has welcomed a Total SE rig... Paul Burkhardt (Bloomberg : reported on IOL))
15 May 2020 Floating wind farms explored for South Africa seas... A Swedish floating windfarm developer has formed a joint venture with a South African company to... (Business Insider SA)