30 Aug 2022 Expect lower sea levels along the coast as negative surge passes over... Durban – The South African Weather Service (SAWS) is warning of significantly lower sea levels as a... Se-Anne Rall (IOL)
31 Mar 2022 Sand mining operation shut down by Tongaat Hulett in La... A large La Mercy sand mining operation has been shut down by landowners Tongaat Hulett, who claim... James Anderson (North Coast Courier)
25 Jun 2021 Illegal sand mining wreaks havoc on the Umvoti River The rapid growth of the North Coast is driving illegal sand mining operations on local rivers that... Penny Fourie (North Coast Courier)
02 Dec 2015 Sand miners bled Umvoti dry Welcome Mdabe said before sand mining, the Umvoti River water level used to reach the top of the... Jacqueline Herbst (North Coast Courier)