30 Aug 2022 Expect lower sea levels along the coast as negative surge passes over... Durban – The South African Weather Service (SAWS) is warning of significantly lower sea levels as a... Se-Anne Rall (IOL)
23 Apr 2024 FishEagle: Anglers return to the seas as game fish season... Decent weather and sea conditions have at last allowed anglers to get back to business. The offshore... Sealice (North Coast Courier)
19 Jan 2022 North Coast beach safety back in the firing line A mere week after the close of high season, chaotic scenes broke out at North Coast beaches once... Juan Venter (North Coast Courier)
20 Dec 2021 North coast waters on fire There was a big influx of boats in the Cape Vidal and Sodwana areas over the past week following... Richard Spingorum (Zululand Observer)
03 Dec 2021 North coast anglers landing prize fish Consistency has been the word for north coast angling over the past week, in both the deep sea and... Richard Spingorum (Zululand Observer)
19 Nov 2021 FishEagle: Anglers face many obstacles Beaches along the coast are polluted, and so too is the bay. And to make it worse, rivers running... (North Coast Courier: Sealice)
18 Nov 2021 North coast waters are angling hot spot Both the deep sea and rock-and-surf angling spots along the north coast were filled with anglers... Richard Spingorum (Zululand Observer)
14 Nov 2021 North coast fishermen spoilt for choice Anglers working the north coast waters last week were blessed with bumper action on both the deep... Richard Spingorum (Zululand Observer)
12 Nov 2021 Big catches on the north coast Once again, the north coast waters have been a major attraction for both deep sea and shore anglers,... Ricahrd Spingorum (Zululand Observer)