11 Aug 2020 Amended Level 3 Covid-19 Regulations and Marine Guided Tour Operations Please note the following amendments to the Disaster Management Act, 2002 regulations for... KZN-EDTEA
16 Jan 2020 Fifty-year-old plastic goods still litter Eastern Cape... A 50-year-old toothpaste tube, a 15-year-old chocolate wrapper and thousands of pieces of styrofoam... Estelle Ellis (Daily Maverick)
21 Jul 2019 Littered cigarette butts are the most widespread man-made... Cigarette butts left in grass and soil can harm nearby plant growth, according to a new... Ellen Cranley (Business Insider US)
25 Apr 2019 High volumes of plastic pollution surfaces after... The adverse weather caused the usual deluge of plastic and other debris to flow into the... Lauren Beukes (Southlands Sun)
27 Mar 2019 Volunteers collect 500 bags of litter on Durban beach Inside the Beachwood Mangroves at the Blue Lagoon in Durban. Picture: Facebook - Clean Blue... Zainul Dawood (Daily News)
17 Mar 2019 Blue Lagoon clean up commences The Durban Green Corridor (DGC) and Wildlands teams have been working to clean up the disarray at... (Northglen News)
28 Feb 2019 Ramaphosa to launch “Good Green Deeds” to... President Ramaphosa will announce a programme designed to place environmental care at the centre of... Duncan Alfreds (News24.com)