11 Aug 2020 Amended Level 3 Covid-19 Regulations and Marine Guided Tour Operations Please note the following amendments to the Disaster Management Act, 2002 regulations for... KZN-EDTEA
10 May 2021 uMhlanga estuary mouth moves, ‘no need for concern’... Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and the eThekwini Municipality has allayed residents’ fears after the... (Northglen News))
22 Jan 2019 Good rewards in estuary restoration effort A giant freshwater Macrobrachium prawn PHOTO: ORI " Last year saw abundant fresh water entering the... Fiona MacKay (ORI) (Zululand Observer)
06 Jan 2019 Dirty blue lagoon is bad for business "Visitors might have complained about unhygienic behaviour during the festive holidays at... Nkululueko Nene (Sunday Tribune)
18 Oct 2018 Wetlands are grossly undervalued "A Ramsar wetlands report reveals the importance of wetlands" Wetland systems are home to and... Tamlyn Jolly (Zululand Observer)
18 Oct 2018 Close encounters with the gentle giants of the deep "This season’s whale watching has been like none other" Each and every year, Humpback Whales... Berno Phillipson (Zululand Observer)
17 Oct 2018 Port Shepstone turtle escapes poaching "Durban - A turtle in Port Shepstone escaped falling victim to a poaching incident after it was... Thobeka Ngema (DAILY NEWS)
15 Oct 2018 Dolphin tattoos: A new SA study will assess skin diseases... " Researchers from South Africa’s east and south coasts gathered at the Nelson Mandela... (Zululand Observer)
11 Oct 2018 It’s time to get everyone behind the recycling... "One of four eThekwini Municipality landfill sites, n Clare Estate, has, over the years, redirected... Anelisa Kubheka (Daily News)