11 Aug 2020 Amended Level 3 Covid-19 Regulations and Marine Guided Tour Operations Please note the following amendments to the Disaster Management Act, 2002 regulations for... KZN-EDTEA
25 May 2021 Longest Date: Coast proves a popular location for filming With its resplendent natural scenery, year-round warm climate and incredibly welcoming communities,... (South Coast Herald)
22 Apr 2021 Port of Richards Bay shipping stats increase After recording a decline in January and February, the Port of Richards Bay’s cargo volumes... Gugu Myeni (Zululand Observer)
03 Nov 2020 Impact of climate change on the economy Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the economy, no question. But Pradeep Philip of Deloitte Access... (Berea Mail)
26 Jan 2019 New discovery of habitat engineers on the Dolphin Coast The marine science world has been turned up side down by a little filter feeder which they thought... Elana Wagner (North Coast Courier)
21 Jan 2019 Local invention to replace plastic bottles Bottles made out of eco-friendly material that replaces plastic have generated a lot of interest.... (MERCURY:IOL)
18 Jan 2019 Green groups question big industry’s plastic clean... Environmental groups on Thursday poured cold water over a much-trumpeted initiative by... (News24.com)
20 Nov 2018 Scottburgh to host offshore oil and gas drilling meeting "Anyone interested in learning more about the concerns and effects of gas and oil drilling are... Juan Venter (South Coast Herald)
01 Nov 2018 Protea Banks listed as Marine Protected Areas (MPA) " It’s a massive win for marine conservation in African waters. " News of Protea Banks and Aliwal... Shona Aylward (South Coast Herald)