30 Aug 2022 Expect lower sea levels along the coast as negative surge passes over... Durban – The South African Weather Service (SAWS) is warning of significantly lower sea levels as a... Se-Anne Rall (IOL)
08 May 2022 American turtle threatens SA biodiversity – but our... The red-eared slider is already finding a comfy home in South Africa, posing a threat to endemic... Shaun Smillie (Daily Maverick: Our Burning Planet)
15 Mar 2021 Eco warriors tackle uMngeni River health A joint collaboration between the Department of Science and Innovation, the Wildlife and Environment... (Northglen News)
02 May 2019 Dolphin Coast shot hole borer infestation results... Kitted out with a near infrared camera, a drone was used to map out forested areas to identify the... Elana Wagner (North Coast Courier)