Coast KZN

12 Dec 2017

Super ‘greenie’ Skylar leads the way

Dave Savides (Zululand Observer) Picture: WESSA’s Ray Ngubane had great fun teaching the children

Four-year-old organises nurdle clean-up at Mtunzini

She is only four years old, but Skylar Upfold of Mtunzini is already an environmental activist.

Raised in a home where conservation, nature and anti-littering are regular topics of conversation, ‘bossy’ Skylar has no problem reading the riot act to those who can’t throw their rubbish in the bins.

As fate would have it, just when she was busy planning to do something about cleaning up the beach and land, the ‘nurdle invasion’ happened, and this was her chance to rope in her friends to do something positive for her piece of the plant.

Having seen the sad plastic nurdle spillage story on Carte Blanche, and with a heavy heart for the marine creatures that could be affected, Skylar roped in her family and friends at Sugar Tots Pre-Primary, and with the help of mom Dawn organised a beach clean-up on Saturday.

Said Dawn: ‘It was a huge success, supported by her school friends and their parents, family who came all the way from Durban, older children from Mtunzini Primary and Sagewood, her brother and his friend from Felixiton (who walked over 4km), with two lovely ladies from Sweden, Clara and Emma.

‘Twinstreams’ Senior Field Officer Ray Ngubane from WESSA was definitely a life-saver and had the kids and their families laughing and singing as he helped with teaching the kids what plastic pollution was doing to our oceans.’

Dawn expressed gratitude to every person and company who contributed to the success of the day.

‘Skylar really asks people to please think about the poor fish, dolphins and turtles that end up eating our rubbish and dying a horrible death.

‘On her own accord, she has insisted we have a recycled Christmas; all our decorations are made from stuff we have collected that we can re-use.’