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Environment enthusiasts from Durban, Tugela, Mtunzini and Richards Bay will tomorrow (Friday) march for the protection of our oceans. Organised by the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA), one march will be held in Durban and another in Mtunzini.
“On Tuesday, it was discovered that a recent alleged spill of chemicals and sewage has killed thousands of fish in the Isipingo lagoon in Durban,” said the organisation.
“These fish were washed up onto the shore. Anglers who have been fishing there for many years are devastated by the number of dead fish on their shores.
“The water runs black with pollution, and residents are warned not to use the lagoon, or collect or consume the dead fish.”
Marchers from Tugela, Mtunzini and Richards Bay will march through Mtunzini town from 10 am, while Durban participants will gather at the promenade from 8.30 am and march to the Amphitheatre at the beachfront.
SDCEA members will then hand over a memorandum to Durban city officials and representatives of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE).
For more information, contact Tanica Naidoo (Richards Bay) on 067 1127344 or email tanica@sdceango.co.za or Desmond D’Sa (Durban) on 083 9826939 or cassandra@sdceango.co.za