NATIONAL Recycling Day is on Friday and the public are urged to pay close attention to sorting and...
THE KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board hosted a stakeholder workshop on Friday, 13 September to showcase their new customised packages for boat tours and shark dissections as well as their hotel and school specials. Speaking at the event, Sharks Board CEO, Harry Mbambo said the organisation contributes toward beach tourism in KwaZulu-Natal.
“We truly believe we are a major role player because of the work we do. If you compare KZN with the Cape, they do not have what we have. I can imagine that when a holiday maker decides to come over to South Africa, they would look for a place where he or she would be safer, especially when they venture out into the sea,” he added.
The Sharks Board was established in 1964 to ensure bathers are protected from shark attacks along the coastline.
“We operate between Richard’s Bay in the north, right through to Port Edward in the south,” said Mbambo.
The workshop included a shark dissection and presentation by Steven Mabugana who had the audience in stitches with his entertaining and educational shark dissection demonstration. He also addressed plastic pollution in the ocean as he showed the audience a construction worker’s hard hat that was found in the stomach of a dusky shark.
“Once we’ve drunk our bottle of water, what happens to the bottle? The reality is that we should be throwing it into the dustbin where it can be recycled and made into polyester clothes. But, often it lands up on the curb where the wind comes, blows it into the drain, where it runs into the stream, then into the river mouth, into the beach, into the ocean. From the ocean it lands up in the mouth of sharks and other marine life,” he said.
For more information about the Sharks Board or to book a boat package or dissection, call 031 566 0400.