Coast KZN

16 Aug 2017

Seal found dehydrated, injured receiving treatment


A stranded seal – found dehydrated and injured – is receiving treatment after being found on a beach in Isipingo this week.





The South African Association for Marine Biological Research (SAAMBR) said on Facebook that they had received many calls about the marine mammal at Reunion Beach on Tuesday.

They said a member of the public, Natasha Govender, had supplied the organisation with images, allowing them to identify the animal as a sub-Antarctic fur seal.

“Good photo identification is a very important step in first response to stranded animals as it allows us an initial assessment of the animal’s state of health.”

They said, as was evident from the photographs, the seal’s appearance looked different based on its body position in the pictures. 

“Photographs, along with observations of the animal’s behaviour and history of the stranding give us more clarity on each situation.”

They found that the seal had a problematic left eye, was dehydrated and extremely thin. 

“Teams from Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and uShaka Sea World immediately collected the seal which was soon admitted into the latter’s rehabilitation centre. 

“The seal is currently very weak, but is receiving the best care possible.”

Should you find a stranded marine animal on the beach, please call uShaka Sea World on 031 328 8222 or 031 328 8060


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