Coast KZN

31 May 2021

SARDINE RUN: Crates of little silver fish hauled in at Port Edward

Shona Aylward (South Coast Herald) Picture: Southern Explorer/Facebook. Hundreds of little silver fish caught at Port Edward.

All the action is happening at Port Edward with more than 100 baskets of sardines being pulled out this morning.

Netters have been busy at Port Edward this morning. Photo: Southern Explorer

Pockets of sardines from TO Strand to Transkei were seen yesterday (Sunday) and predictions from the netters are that they would be pulling in sardines from today (Monday) were spot on. Last year on June 1, sardines were netted at Ramsgate, Southbroom and Marina Beach.

Sardines for sale at Port Edward beach. Photo: Southern Explorer

Vicky Wentzel of Southern Explorer said a 100 baskets were pulled out by a local netter and second net (a big one) by a Durban third-generation netter.