Whale and dolphin strandings increase on SA coast
"Amid gas and oil exploration taking place along the KwaZulu-Natal coast, a record number of whale...
This weekend won’t promise blue skies and sunny days as the last did. Durbanites are urged to take precaution as strong winds and heavy rainfall are predicted for this weekend, with a hot, humid and windy Sunday to end it all off.
The South African Weather Service issued two weather warnings for today, Friday, 10 November. Heavy rainfall is predicted for the KZN coast including the Ugu, eThekwini, iLembe, King Cetshwayo and uMkhanyakhude districts from noon to 11pm this evening.
Another weather warning forecasting severe thunderstorms, with possible hail and strong winds, was also issued and is expected for north-western KZN (uThukela, Amajuba, Zululand and uMzinyathi) from 1pm to 9pm this evening.