Coast KZN

28 Sep 2016

Recycling lessons for city school pupils

Wellington Makwakwa (Zululand Observer)


School pupils take part in the Beach Clean-up campaign

Pupils from various eSikhaleni schools participated in the beach clean-up campaign at Naval Island in Richards Bay.

The project was headed by Almagated Beverages Industries (ABI) with Re-livingCOP17, with the aim of re-enforcing a recycling culture among school pupils.

‘The idea behind this initiative is for all recyclable waste not to be taken to the landfill site, but instead to be sold or taken to a local buyback centre. We also visit schools and educate pupils about the importance of recycling and the state of the landfill,’ said Re-livingCOP17 founder Simangele Chirwa.

‘The response from schools has been amazing. Teachers and principals have welcomed the initiative and will now implement it in their schools.’

According to Chirwa schools have been able to accumulate more than 16 tons of waste since the launch of the campaign.


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