Coast KZN

09 Aug 2016

Questions asked about managing MPAs

Judi Davis (South Coast Herald)

The Trafalgar MPA will be part of the much larger Protea Banks MPA once it is proclaimed.

Conservation KZN wants to know who will be in charge of these areas when they are proclaimed.

Conservation KZN, the umbrella body for KwaZulu-Natal conservancies, has pointed out some concerns about the future management of the province’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), which will hopefully be proclaimed by the end of this year.

KwaZulu-Natal has four proposed Marine Protected Areas awaiting final proclamation. These are the iSimangaliso extension, the new Thukela MPA, the extension of the Aliwal Shoal MPA and the new Protea Banks MPA offshore from the South Coast. The proposed Protea Banks MPA is a block extending out to sea then running parallel to our shoreline. It will be situated offshore except along the coastline of the small but important, already established Trafalgar MPA, which will be incorporated into the much larger, new MPA.

In its recent newsletter, the association poses questions about how the new KwaZulu-Natal MPAs would be managed.

Initial gazetting of the areas was met with opposition from angling interests, resulting in a number of meetings being held during the public participation phase of the mapping out of the MPAs.

The association pointed out that compromises had been made by Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, the authority driving the projects and all proposals had been resubmitted to the National Department of Environmental Affairs.
A major concern for marine environmental organisations was how and by whom the management plans for the newly proclaimed MPAs would be operated.

What was also not clear was which authority would manage the non-MPA sections of the KwaZulu-Natal coast, which was also being impacted by illegal fishing and removal of rock life, the conservancy association added.


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