Mthembu is working on a project that would measure...
YOUNG Durban research entrepreneur, Nkululeko Mthembu believes he has found a gap in the market...
The public is cautioned by the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) to be extra careful around the coast as the full moon Spring tide phase peaked on Sunday, July 5 bringing higher than normal Spring high tides and lower than normal Spring low tides. This will persist towards the end of next week and caution around the coast is advised.
The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has forecast a cold front to reach the Western Cape during Saturday afternoon. High seas, combined with Spring tide and the cold front, are expected along the South and South-West coastline persisting into Monday morning.
“The concern is for smaller vessels at sea navigating through the conditions as well as for beach goers and coastal hikers who may be caught off-guard by large waves at Spring high tide that could potentially sweep them off the rocks along the shoreline,” said NSRI CEO Dr. Cleeve Robertson.
“We are appealing to boaters, paddlers, beach goers, surfers, coastal hikers, anglers and the public to be cautious around the coastline and to follow SA Weather Service (SAWS) forecasts,” added Dr. Robertson.
Boaters and paddlers are encouraged to download the NSRI RSA SafeTrax app – https://www.nsri.org.za/safetrx/
NSRI RSA SafeTrx includes a number of new features for small craft users:
An Emergency Call button which allows you to quickly make a distress call from the application
Share your real-time track with family and friends during your trip
Build and maintain your own safety prelaunch checklist
Choose and alert individual emergency contacts for each trip
Automatically initiates a search process should you not close your trip before your chosen ETA