Coast KZN

13 Nov 2021

NSRI launches free sea safety app ahead of holiday season

Staff reporter (Berea Mail)

With the festive season on the horizon, holiday makers and locals will flock to Durban’s shores and, to ensure the safety of beachgoers, the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) developed and launched the SafeTrx App.

The NSRI hopes to build awareness, especially among boaters, paddle skiers, surfers and even divers, of the need for safety at sea. Key to this is the need for people to download its app onto their cellphones. The app allows people who plan on taking part in recreational and income generating sea-based activities to keep in touch, as well as alert the NSRI if they experience difficulties while out at sea.

This tracking app is used internationally and customised for South Africa. Users need to enter the details of their vessel, the people on board, the planned route and the estimated time of arrival. The user will need to load in emergency contact details, either a spouse or a person at home, then, if the user is late or if the panic button is activated, the NSRI will alerted and it will be sent the user’s position.

“False alarms do happen so, while we are preparing to launch, a controller will call you or your emergency contact to verify if it was a mistake. No one minds the mistakes – they are a good opportunity to test the system. Download it now and try it out. It takes the “search” out of search and rescue,” said the NSRI.

SafeTrx is available to download for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.