Business booms as visitors flock back to North Coast...
With beaches open and restaurants allowed to run with minimal restrictions, the Easter weekend saw a...
There has been no shortage in the ‘size department’ this week for local anglers working the north coast waters. Deep sea goers have been hitting an average size of more than 10 kg on couta, mainly by slowly trolling live or dead baits.
It’s best to start by running baits at different depths to find where the fish are feeding, as this increases fishing success later. A glow bead or a skirt in front of the bait will attract the fish.
Another fish on the menu this past week has been snoek, having been caught at Tinley Manor and uMdloti. Trolling a combination of a single-fillet bait on one rod and a small-lipped lure on the other rod just behind the backline at first light, increases the chances of hooking these fish.
Beach anglers at points and deeper beaches have seen some good fish landed and a handful of giants lost, while drone anglers have had the best reward at most spots. A fresh mackerel bait on a good throw off one of these points will boost anglers’ chances of landing a nice sandy or honeycomb.