Whale death investigated
"‘They are regularly seen breaching close to the shore.’" The death of an adult...
“The official launch of the National Blue Flag season takes place on October 7.“
Marina Beach residents will be pleased to know that their beach will not be closed to the public this Friday to accommodate the official launch of the new National Blue Flag season.
The Wildlife and Environmental Society of South Africa (Wessa) will still launch the new season at Marina Beach on October 7, starting at 8.30am.
However, Ray Nkonyeni officials, who are hosting the function, will hold the event in the area in front of the restaurant and there will be plenty of room for other people to enjoy the beach.
Minister of Tourism Derek Hanekom has been invited to give the keynote address. Guests will also hear about the exciting new Tourism Blue Flag project. Run by the National Department of Tourism and Wessa, it involves coastal tourism and youth development.
An Ugu South Coast Tourism spokesman said that the South Coast was privilege to have been chosen to host the launch, a prestigious event that would attract much media attention.