Coast KZN

23 Mar 2017

Litter lingers for much longer than you may think

Holly Konig (South Coast Sun)


Some think that by tossing their wrapper out the window or leaving their plastic bottles and straws at beaches or in parks some magical, awesome power will move them far from where they can cause harm to life and nature.

Some think that by tossing their wrapper out the window or leaving their plastic bottles and straws at beaches or in parks some magical, awesome power will move them far from where they can cause harm to life and nature.

How very wrong such thoughts are.

Here are some everyday items that find their way into the beautiful ocean, and an indication how long it takes for them to decompose:

Toilet roll ~ one month

Cardboard ~ two months

Cigarette ~ 10 years

Plastic bag ~ 10 to 20 years

Drink cans ~ 200 years

Diapers ~ 450 years

Fish hooks ~ 600 years

Plastic cutlery ~ 100 to 1,000 years

Glass ~ 4,000 years

Some plastics ~ never


Let this serve to teach those in the unknowing, that the litter we constantly bombard our planet with lingers for longer than we can imagine.

Keep the environment in mind when buying your groceries and before you carelessly toss the unwanted packaging away.


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