Coast KZN

16 Feb 2021

Lend a hand at #CleanBlueLagoon beach clean-up

(Northglen News) Picture: Tholakele Charmain Shandu who has participated in a #CleanBlueLagoon clean-up has encouraged locals to join in on Saturday, 20 February for the first clean-up of the year.

Local resident, Janet Simpkins, who is one of the new organisers behind the #CleanBlueLagoon initiative also encouraged the community of Durban to get behind the first clean-up of the year which takes place on Saturday, 20 February. The clean-up will take place at the Beachwood Mangroves beach from 8am to 11am confirmed Simpkins.

#ClueBlueLagoon is dedicated to cleaning up and maintaining not only the Blue Lagoon and Beachgrove Mangrove areas but all areas of Durban that need improving.

“The clean-up coincides with the Beachwood Mangroves Nature Reserve open day. #CleanBlueLagoon clean-ups are community driven and promote regular involvement in the protection of our rivers and beaches. We are hoping the community will join us on the day and all Covid-19 protocols will be adhered to. Even though the Adopt-a-River team has collected more than a thousand bags of rubbish, there will still be plenty for us to pick up on the day,” she said.

She added that everyone was welcome.

“Participants don’t have to stay for three hours and can do what they can. The only rules for the clean-up is everyone has to wear masks and bring their own gloves. We will supply the bags and social distancing will be required and all hygiene protocols must be followed,” she said.

For more visit the group’s Facebook page under #CleanBlueLagoon