#FishEagle: Snoek keep anglers in the game
A south-westerly wind arrived on Thursday night bringing cooler weather throughout the...
Subsistence fisherfolks in KwaZulu-Natal have proclaimed their victory after the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment granted them with free fishing-exemption permits. This emerged at a meeting between the department and KZN subsistence fisherfolk that was held at the Merebank Community Centre recently.
Director of Small Scale Fisheries Abongile Ngqongwa, together with the members of the task team, met with subsistence fisherfolk who applied for the exemption fishing permit. All fisherfolk in KZN possess a recreational fishing permit which implies that they are fishing as a sport, for leisure or fun. Spokesperson for South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) Janeira Reddy said, “Subsistence fishermen have this permit, not by choice but because it is the only permit available for them to fish legally.”
Reddy said a recreational fishing permit has strict fishing regulations by not allowing fisherfolk to either sell or barter their catches.
“Subsistence fisherfolk in KZN have had many challenges over the years as they rely on fishing to feed themselves and their families. Subsistence fisherfolk have had their rights removed which allowed them to catch fish, put food on the table and sell fish to earn income to put their children through school and pay bills that keep their lights and water on.
“The SDCEA, KZN Subsistence Fisherfolk Forum (KZNSFF), Legal Resource Centre (LRC) and Urban Futures Centre have worked together over the years to assist these subsistence fisherfolk.
“Discussions were held to strategise as to whether this matter be taken to court. Fortunately, in 2021, the matter was taken directly to Minister Barbara Creecy, seeking her intervention to recognise us as subsistence fishers in KZN. Creecy then requested a task team comprised of a delegation from her department to engage with the organisations to find the best way forward.
“However, it was a request from the department to pilot this project by first rolling out this to members residing within the eThekwini boundary,” Reddy added.
The criteria used for fisherfolks to be legible are:
For more information, contact the call centre on 086 111 2468 or email: callcentre@environment.gov.za.