Coast KZN


Dumping in the Coastal Zone

Illegal dumping in the coastal zone includes dumping from ships and boats at sea as well as from land based sources.

If dumping is at sea, report to the DEA and EDTEA (refer to contact table below).

For area specific dumping: contact the respective Local Municipalities (see District Municipalities/ Metropolitan: King Cetshwayo, iLembe, eThekwini, Ugu

Provide as much information as possible: When, Where, Vehicles involved etc

The ICM Act minimises dumping at sea but does allow for dumping permits under very strict conditions. Dumping permits may be issued under special circumstances for 2 years and require an application to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment in advance, in order for the Minister to consult with foreign countries and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) if necessary.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) is the competent authority for:

  1. Dumping at sea under the Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act No. 24 of 2008)

  2. The Discharge of effluent from land-derived point and diffuse sources into the coastal environment under the Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act No. 24 of 2008)

  3. Management of pollution from waste under NEM: Waste Act (Act No. 59 of 2008)

DFFE is also the competent authority for the clean-up of pollution associated with shipping activities under the Prevention and Combating of Pollution at Sea by Oil Act (Act No. 6 of 1981) and the South African Maritime Safety Act (Act No. 5 of 1998).

Who to contact


Name Contact

Oceans &

Yazeed Petersen
021 819 2445 021 819 2450/ 
083 530 3127
Feroza Albertus-Stanley
(CEO: Marine Pollution)
021 819 2445 021 819 2457 /
072 173 6234
Ulric Can Bloemestein
(CEO: Marine Pollution)
021 819 2456 021 819 2456 /
084 421 6606
Natasha Baijnath- Pillay
(CEO: Land based pollution)
021 819 2409 nbpillay@
Call Centre   086 111 2468 callcentre@
Alfred Matsheke
(Coastal Unit Manager)
033 897 6682 alfred.matsheke@
Boniswe Sithole
(Marine & Coastal Pollution)
033 897 6681 boniswe.sithole@

Illegal dumping should be reported

 For Ray Nkonyeni Municipality

For eThekwini Metropolitan
Hibberdene to Umtentweni: 
039 6992 020
 Contact Number: 031 311 8804
Port Shepstone to Shelly Beach:
039 688 2161
St Michaels to Port Edward: 
039 316 6125
 Or, call your local DSW depot/area collections
(see link below)
 *Also refer to Local Municipalities contact page (see link below)

Hotline for Tip-offs on Contraventions of Environmental Legislation Call: 0800 205 005

Share call to assist the public with environment related queries Call: 086 111 2468

Additional Information

DSW Area Collections

DSW Depot

Contact Information for District Municipalities, Metropolitan and Local Municipalities

Contact Information