A list of Protected Trees is published and updated regularly by the DFFE. In terms of section 15(1) of the National Forests Act (Act 84 of 1998), no person may cut, disturb, damage or destroy any protected tree or possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree except under a license (see below).
Any person who contravenes this (section 62(2)(c)) of the National Forests Act, 1998 ) by cutting, disturbance, damage, destruction or removal of protected trees or collects, removes, transports, exports, purchases or sells protected trees referred to in section 15(1)(b), is guilty of a first category offence. In terms of section 58 (1), a person who is guilty of a first category offence may be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment for a period of up to three years.
Download the gazetted list of Protected Trees
Protected Tree List 2021
Licence Regarding Protected Trees
This refers to SECTION 15(1) OF THE NATIONAL FORESTS ACT, 84 of 1998, AS AMENDED
The application applies to persons who intend to
(a) Cut, destroy any protected tree/s or any protected tree product,
(b) Disturb, damage any protected tree/s or any protected tree product or
(c) Possess, collect, remove, transport, export, purchase, sell, donate or in any other manner acquire or dispose of any protected tree, or any forest product derived from a protected tree.
Note that a licence issued under the National Forests Act, 84 of 1998 does not exempt you from the provisions of other laws e.g., NEMA, CARA, Provincial Flora and Fauna Permits