Coast KZN

Additional Information

Recreational Fishing

Recreational Fishing includes the catching of fish, and the collection of other marine species for personal consumption.

Recreational fishing

The KwaZulu Natal coast has a range of invertebrate, fish and shark species, many of which are seasonally abundant, and provide an opportunity for subsistence, recreational, charter and commercial fishing. Many species have become over-exploited over time and strict controls through permits have been placed on these vulnerable and threatened species. 

A range of recreational fishing and collecting permits are available  and may be downloaded from the DFFE websites (see links under Additional Information).

Permits for recreational fishing do not allow for the selling of fish. The collecting of mussels, oysters, crabs, mud and sand prawns, redbait and mole-crabs all require permits and there are specifications regarding methods used, size and bag limits for each species. You need to be able to identify the species, know the bag and seasonal limits and how to measure the species of invertebrates or fish.

Who to contact: Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)



Delricia Augustus 
(Deputy Director EC and KZN)

072 988 1876 

Lungile Nodwala 
(Assistant Director NEC, assisting KZN)

 082 829 3907

Thanduxolo Ntshangase
(Acting Assistant Director KZN- landing, operational etc)

079 444 9951

Siphokazi Ndundane
(National Fisheries Management)

021 402 3019/

General Contact Number:

021 402 3911 

Fisheries Division of DFFE

The Fisheries division of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) is the relevant authority for recreational and commercial fishing activities along the coast.

Hotline/ Tip-off line number for permit/ license holders that are in contravention of the MLRA: 028 3132703

Additional Information

Recreational Fishing/ Collecting Permits


Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment