Adhere to festive season safety regulations, says...
With thousands of people visiting the city of Durban for the holidays, the eThekwini mayor,...
As Durban gears up for an influx of holidaymakers, the eThekwini Municipality said it will prioritise safety and security along Durban’s Golden Mile. According to the eThekwini Municipality’s spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela, 65 beach guides will be stationed across the various beaches and an additional 120 lifeguards were also deployed.
“The City has also made available 200 000 wristbands to be worn by all children visiting beaches, to make it easy to identify them and to re-unite them with family should they get separated. In the event that children are separated from their guardians, 38 child-minders are on standby to look after them until they are reunited family members,” he said.
He reminded visitors that alcohol is strictly prohibited at the beachfront.
“Any liquor found will be confiscated,” he warned. “Beach Law Enforcement teams will start their shifts from 06:00 to 18:30. Toilets and ablution facilities will be open from 06:00 to 20:00 on Monday to Thursday. During the weekend and on public holidays, services will be available from 06:00 to 22:00. A 24-hour service will be provided at Point, Addington, South, New beach, Country Club, Thekwini and Bay of Plenty beaches. Bathing at all bathing beaches will be allowed from 06:00 and 18:30 daily,” said Mayisela.
Ngenzeni Ngcobo, one of the parents who visited Durban’s South Beach on Monday, December 13, said she brought six children to the beach, and she wouldn’t allow them to swim if she was not in their vicinity.
“Every year we hear in the news that children are lost on the beaches. I don’t want that to happen to our children. It is important that we, as parents, take them with us. It makes me feel better to see law enforcement and lifeguards around, keeping a close eye,” she said.