Coast KZN

18 Aug 2017

Hippo makes itself at home in recreational area

Dave Savides (Zululand Observer) Picture: The hippo spent most of Tuesday in front of the Zululand Multi Sport Club Photo: Dave Savides


Don’t mess with hippo on the move in Richards Bay

A large hippo has spent the last few weeks in the Bay Hall area at Richards Bay, posing extreme danger to swimmers, anglers and paddlers.

The creature is moving between the Richards Bay Skiboat Club, Pelican Island and Mzingazi Canal, occasionally venturing onto land but generally staying in the water during the day and browsing at night.


On Tuesday, the hippo took residence in front of the Zululand Multi Sport Club and for a time lay on the sand before being forced to move when noisy onlookers disturbed his peace.

The public are warned not to venture close to the hippo, and to be careful when entering the water as it can stay submerged for some time.

The hippo spent most of Tuesday in front of the Zululand Multi Sport Club (Photo: Dave Savides)