Coast KZN

Governance Jurisdiction

National Government

Roles and responsibilities of National Government under the ICM Act.


ICM Act Section/s Brief Description of Roles and Responsibilities
The management of coastal public property 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,
Ensuring the State as a public trustee, provides for the protection, management and enhancement of coastal public property as an inalienable area within the coastal zone that belongs to the citizens of South Africa. This is achieved by developing regulations to control the use of coastal public property, determine and adjust the boundaries of coastal public property as deemed appropriate, as well as designation and inclusion of certain portions of state-owned land as coastal public property to achieve the objectives of the ICM Act.
The National Estuarine Management Protocol 33,34 Ensure that the National Estuarine Management Protocol is developed and that Estuarine Management Plans for each estuary along the SA coast are in place in collaboration with responsible bodies appointed for Estuary Management Plan development and implementation.
The National Coastal Committee 35,36,37 Establishment of the National Coastal Committee, determination of its powers and appointing representatives for the Committee.
Monitor the appointment of provincial lead agencies 38 Ensure that provincial lead agencies for ICM are appointed, established and functioning on a continual basis.
Development and Implementation of the National Coastal Management Programme 44,45 Develop a National Coastal Management Programme aligned with the vision and objectives of the ICM Act.
Consistency and alignment between
the National Coastal Management Programme
and other statutory plans
51,52 Ensure that any plan, policy or programme adopted by an organ of state that may affect coastal management is consistent and aligned with the national coastal management programme.
Consultation and public participation 53 Ensure meaningful consultation with government and other coastal stakeholders.
Environmental authorisations for coastal activities 63,64 Ensure that the competent authority refers, in terms of S63 (4), applications that are inconsistent with S63 (2), but are in the public interest, to the Minister for consideration. Ensure that where an environmental authorization is not required for coastal activities, the Minister considers listing activities that will be requiring a permit or license in terms of S63 (6).
Discharge of effluent into coastal waters 69 Ensure that point source discharges of effluent are effectively assessed, controlled and monitored.
Dumping of waste into coastal waters 70,71 Prohibit incineration at sea and ensure that the overall intent of S70 and S71 is understood by stakeholders
Emergency dumping at sea 72 Ensure that consideration is given to emergency situations relating to the dumping of waste at sea.
The National Action List 73 Ensure that an effective screening mechanism is available to support assessment of dumping applications.
Determination of national appeals powers 78 Establish powers of Minister and MEC's and procedures to be followed in determining appeals.
Prescribing regulations and fees 83 Develop regulations for the management of activities within coastal public property and consult the Minister of Finance before making any regulations which will entail expenditure of funds in future years, application fees, or regulations imposing fees, costs or any other charges
General provisions applicable to regulations 85 Specify general procedures relating to regulations, including penalties for contraventions.