Management of coastal access land | | |
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Coastal leases and concessions | | |
| | National, provincial and local government |
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| | National and Provincial Government |
Effluent discharges into coastal waters | | |
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| Prohibited under the ICM Act (Section 70), except under specific conditions as specified. | |
Environmental Impact Assessment | | National Provincial and Local government |
Biodiversity and protected areas management | Biodiversity Act (10 of 2004) | National, provincial and local government |
Protected Areas Act (57 of 2003) | National, provincial and local government |
| Protected Areas Amendment Act (21 of 2014) | National and provincial government |
| Environmental Conservation Act (73 of 1989) | |
| World Heritage Convention Act (49 of 1999) | |
National Heritage Resources Act (25 of 1999) | |
Prevention and combating pollution from ships, including solid waste (garbage) and ballast water | International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships Act (2 of 1986) | |
South Africa Maritime Safety Authority Act (5 of 1998) | |
Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability ) Act (of 1981) | |
Merchant Shipping Act (57 of 1951) | |
Solid waste management (land-based) | | |
| Air Quality Act (39 of 2004) | |
Control of scuba diving, whale watching and shark cage diving and other protected or threatened species | Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) (18 of 1998, amended 2000) | |
Transkei Environmental Decree and legislation controlling whales, sharks sea birds | |
State assets in coastal zone, including 12 fishing harbours | Government Immovable Asset Management Act (19 of 2007) | |
State Land Disposal Act (48 of 1961) | |
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Sea Fishery Act (12 of 1988) | |
Marine aquaculture or harvesting of marine living resources (sea-based) | | |
Harvesting of coastal resources (land-based) | Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (43 of 1983) | |
National Forest Act (84 of 1998) | |
| National Ports Act (12 of 2005) | |
International Health Regulations Act (28 of 1974) | |
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Freshwater flows (quantity and water quality) into coastal zone | National Water Act (36 of 1998) | |
| Minerals and Petroleum Resource Development Act (MPRDA) (28 of 2002) | |
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Coastal infrastructure (land-based) | | National, provincial and local government |
National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act (103 of 1977 amended 1982, 1984, 1989, 1995, 1996) | National, provincial and local government |
Spatial planning and land use management Act (16 of 2013) | National, provincial and local government |
| National, provincial and local government |
Recreational Water Quality | National Health Act (61 of 2003) | |
Renewable energy activities | National Energy Act (34 of 2008) | |