Angler in hot water over eMdloti shark catch
The shark was released by Roarke within a minute. "Roarke Hamilton has explained his side of the...
“Coast survives super full moon tides“
The negative effects on the region’s coastal zone from Monday’s super full moon tides were limited by flat seas that prevailed over the early part of the week.
Alkantstrand was especially protected from southern swells and with no large waves crashing onto the shoreline, there was little apparent erosion of the land area.
In addition, the geobag barrier at the main beach once again proved its worth in easily repelling the advancing ocean.
However, some damage and sand loss was apparent north of where the geobag wall ends.
Tidal currents may well have caused greater problems from the caravan park beach upwards to Nine Mile beach and researchers were planning a walk along that section on Wednesday to inspect the impact.