Scientists discover hidden deep-sea coral reef in US
"Scientists have discovered a giant deep-sea coral reef system off the coast of the US state of...
“A fishing trip for three men didn’t go as planned after they had to be rescued when their boat capsized at a river mouth in Umkomaas on the KwaZulu-Natal south coast, at the weekend.“
On Sunday volunteers from the National Sea Rescue Institute at Rocky Bay attended to a distress call just after 7am.
NSRI spokesperson, Craig Lambinon, said the team found that the five-metre ski boat, named the Sea Sniper, had capsized during launch.
“All three fishermen were account for and brought safely to the shore. Their casualty boat remained in the surfline in the capsized position,” he said.
Lambinon said local dive charter boats tried to help turn the boat the right way up but their efforts were delayed.
“NSRI Rocky Bay launched the sea rescue craft Freemasons Way and NSRI Durban responded to the scene in the NSRI Durban sea rescue vehicle, towing the sea rescue craft Spirit of Surfski III that was launched at the scene. Blue Ocean Dive Charters loaned their dive charter boat, manned by eThekweni surf lifeguards, NSRI rescue swimmers and Police Search and Rescue divers, which was launched to assist,” Lambinon said.
He said all the teams worked to tow the capsized casualty boat ashore.
“A NSRI rescue swimmer was transferred onto the casualty boat during the tow operation to assist to bail water to lighten the craft during the tow effort. Once the boat was safely ashore and recovered no further assistance was required,” he said.