Researchers appeal to anglers to handle sharks, skates...
"The Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI) has appealed to anglers to handle sharks, stingrays and...
The woman was busy with the loading and off-loading of a ship at berthing inside the port, when she slipped and fell from the ship’s gangplank into the water.
Craig Lambinon, National Sea Rescue Institute spokesperson, said Paul Bevis, NSRI Durban coxswain, overheard VHF communications from the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) Port Control raising the alarm, asking for a harbour boat to go to the assistance of a female Stevedore (a person employed at a dock to load and unload ships) who had fallen.
“Paul immediately responded to assist and on arrival on the scene found Aqua-Tech Diving Services, who had also been working nearby at the time, had also responded and a Aqua-Tech stand-by diver had deployed into the water and the female had been rescued from the water,” Lambinon said.
The woman was brought to the harbour wall by Aqua-Tech Diving Services where Bevis assisted in the coordination of medical treatment and Netcare 911 ambulance services have transported the female to hospital in a stable condition.
Last week, a marine trainee pilot drowned while trying to board a sailing vessel. Thandeka Mzimela, had a fear of heights.
On Wednesday, she tried to climb to an incoming vessel, became overwhelmed, lost her grip on the ladder, fell and subsequently drowned. She was with a senior pilot and another trainee. Mzimela had been for Transnet for 11 years and was previously a tug master. An investigation has been launched into the incident.