Poacher boat confiscated in Richards Bay
There was no weekend rest for members of the North Coast Anti-Poaching Group (NCAP), and the...
The Green Net, a community-based environmental organisation, is encouraging the public to give input about Ugu District Municipality’s plans to construct a weir at St Helens Rock on the Mzimkhulu River.
The objective of the proposal under consideration by Ugu is the permanent construction of a weir across the river with the intention to prevent periodic saline intrusion into the pump station. Over the years the construction of weirs has been a controversial topic, and the Herald awaits a statement from Ugu for next week’s edition.
The mighty Mzimkhulu River on a rainy day.
Founder Helen Dodge said the organisation, which serves as an effective way for environmental activists to communicate, is aware of the immense ecological, cultural and tourism value of the river and surrounds.
“The river plays a critical role in the local economy as the water source for our area, and also supports important biodiversity, fish stocks and spawning grounds,” she said. “It also directly supports the local sardine run, as well as the marine protected areas at Aliwal Shoal, Protea Banks and Trafalgar.”
The Green Net will be holding a series of public information sessions during October to ensure as many residents as possible are aware of the proposal and register as interested and affected parties in the environmental impact assessment process. Dodge said, that as ratepayers, they would like to ensure, as far as possible, that their money is spent on projects that will genuinely benefit the Mzimkhulu and local communities over the next few decades.
“Various opportunities exist for us to cater for human water requirements without compromising the integrity of the river and we would like to see further technical investigations into sustainable options,” she said.
Dodge said they are working closely with Professor Anthony Turton, who has immense knowledge and experience in water management, particularly rivers and estuaries. Turton headed up the Department of Environmental Sciences at Free State University, is a member of the South African Water Chamber, and regularly appears as a specialist commentator on national television.
The deadline for this registration is October 27, and The Green Net strongly urges everyone to get on board this public participation process to find the best solution.
Email Dianne Hayter at fishinghayters@gmail.com for a form. Subject: PPP Proposed weir form. To ensure that the South Coast community has ample opportunity get registered on the formal database of the Environmental Impact Assessment facilitators.
A Google Earth image of the previous weir built on the river a few years ago.
The Green Net will be doing a series of talks and/or handing out registration forms over the next three weeks at various venues. These are the Ramsgate Lions clubhouse in Ramsgate this Saturday, October 9 at 10:00; Bendigo Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Meeting at Marlon Caravan Park on Monday, October 11 at 10:00, and the Melville Sanctuary of Love on Saturday, October 16 at 14:00.