Rare green turtle stranded on Scottburgh beach swims...
"Green turtles are found in tropical oceans around the world." Aquarist Lindani Khwela from...
“The beach is now safe and open for recreational use.“
Margate beach was officially reopened for swimming last Saturday after two weeks of being closed due to a devastating sewage spill.
The test results arrived back from the health department and the go-ahead was given to open the beach ahead of the long weekend.
There was some confusion surrounding the opening of the beach, but it was finally opened on Saturday under the instruction of both municipal managers.
The drama unfolded along the banks of the Nkongweni River in Margate on Monday, March 6, when pump failure, caused by a blockage in the drainage line of the Margate sewer pump station, caused flooding in the wet and dry well of the pump station.
This resulted in effluent being discharged into the Margate river.