Coast KZN

26 Feb 2016

A flowing river but no water

Tamlyn Jolly (Zululand Observer)

A photo of the Mfolozi River, bank-to-bank with water, taken earlier this week

Residents asked why security guards cannot be placed along this pipeline that is continually being vandalised and much water wasted.

Despite the Mfolozi River flowing well earlier this week, residents in Mtubatuba and surrounding areas had no running water.

This could have been due to a major leak which has allegedly been pumping out thousands of litres of water for the past three weeks.

The pipeline running parallel to the N2, in the area just north of Bhoboza Crossing currently under construction, constantly falls victim to vandals. Five different points along the pipeline have been vandalised over the past six months, resulting in huge amounts of good quality tap water running into the fields below.

The most recent vandalism occurred three weeks ago and was allegedly reported to uMkhanyakude District Municipality’s water contractors.

No repairs were carried out and water continues to gush out.

The pipeline is frequented by people filling up buckets and bottles, gathering to wash kids and clothes, and by cattle looking to quench their thirst.

A private water truck was even seen drawing from this vandalised pipeline, filling with water to then sell to the public.

The Zululand Observer informed uMkhanyakude District Municipality, whose spokesperson, Mdu Dlamini, promised to investigate the matter. ‘Rather than reporting leaks and other water issues to our water contractors, people are urged to report them directly to us as we need to give the contractors the order to carry out repairs,’ said Dlamini.

While scour valves along the pipeline are in the process of being made secure and enclosed in concrete housing, the old manhole covers remain, and it is these points that are being vandalised.

‘If the authorities are aware of what a big problem vandalism is along this pipeline, surely they could employ security guards to ensure this stops happening, at least until work on the pipeline is complete and it is no longer possible for it to be vandalised?’ asked a concerned Mtubatuba resident.

The pipeline running parallel to the N2 just north of Mtubatuba is continually being vandalised at different points. This leak was allegedly reported to uMkhanyakude District’s water contractors three weeks ago but is yet to be repaired.


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